Farming Today August 2022 Harvest Blast Digital Issue

31 Farmers Digital Solutions 1-866-668-5565 • August 2022 Harvest Blast Issue Adolescence is a transformative time. Not only does the body grow and develop, but children gain more control over their choices. And the food habits we develop as adolescents often continue. So, they can influence our health and food choices as adults. A food environment is where we make decisions about getting, preparing, and eating food. Food availability, price, and convenience all impact our choices. Cultural, political, and economic systems determine an area’s food environment. An adolescent can experience many food environments – at home, at school, and at work. We wanted to provide information to help the world improve the diets of adolescents. That’s why we used existing scientific research to answer two new questions: What do adolescents eat around the world? What factors influence these food choices? We then used our analysis to suggest how society can support adolescents to make better food choices. Мore free social science resources аt: Abstract Introduction Have you ever thought about why you eat what you eat? Is it because it’s tasty? Healthy? Trendy? There are many factors that influence what an adolescent eats. But health is not always the most important one. We wanted to better understand these factors. So we did a scientific review of surveys and studies to see what adolescents eat worldwide. We also explored how economic status and food environment affect food choices. We learned that many adolescents value food as a way to express their individuality. It also gives them a sense of belonging with their peers. We also discovered that limited access to healthy food is a problem in many areas. So are advertisements promoting unhealthy food. That is why countries all over the world need nutrition programs that make healthy food more available, affordable, and appealing to adolescents. The food a person buys depends on food availability, price, and convenience. Source: Wikicommons Authors: Lynnette M. Neufeld and others Associate Editors: Allison Gamzon and Marilisa Valtazanou What makes you choose the food you eat?